Working papers
When product markets become collective traps: The case of social media [paper]
With Leonardo Bursztyn, Benjamin Handel, and Christopher Roth
American Economic Review, Revised and Resubmitted
Experiments on social media [paper]
With Guy Aridor, Ro'ee Levy, and Lena Song
Prepared for the Handbook of Experimental Methods in the Social Sciences
Toxic content and user engagement on social media: Evidence from a field experiment [paper]
With George Beknazar-Yuzbashev, Jesse McCrosky, and Mateusz Stalinski
The effect of content moderation on online and offline hate: Evidence from Germany's NetzDG [paper]
With Karsten Müller and Carlo Schwarz
The economics of content moderation: Evidence from hate speech on Twitter [paper]
Selected publications and accepted papers
The economics of social media [paper]
With Guy Aridor, Ro'ee Levy, and Lena Song
Journal of Economic Literature, Forthcoming
A model of harmful yet engaging content on social media [paper]
With George Beknazar-Yuzbashev and Mateusz Stalinski
AEA Papers & Proceedings, 2024
Estimating the distaste toward price gouging with incentivized consumer reports [paper]
With Justin Holz and Eduardo Laguna Müggenburg
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2024
Cash: A blessing or a curse? [paper]
With Fernando Alvarez, David Argente, and Francesco Lippi
Journal of Monetary Economics, 2022